Editor's Note Winter 2013

Welcome to our winter 2013 issue. I hope you enjoy our mix of classic and new work.
'We enjoyed its journey.

Martin Heavisides is our essayist this quarter, and he brings us 'A Clear-Eyed Review of William Blake: the wonderful William Blake, whose work 'Auguries' we've added as our Foreword. It's a great read.

In our Spanish Section, Diana introduces Cuban Lit. And this is another big WoW! ! You
must go there.

We have contributing artwork, from Kristine Byrne, as well as our classic art. Kristine is based in County Wicklow and kindly contributed illustration for one or our stories.

You'll find her work on our gallery page.
And we got good news this quarter:
'One Day Tells its Tale to Another' by Nonnie Augustine, has been named to Kirkus Reviews Best of 2013.. I know the work well. She was laid out and edited here in the office. So it's hugs to Nonnie and a big congrats to all involved in the endeavour: Robert Leslie Smith, Robert Knisel. And of course our own team here at 'The Linnet's Wings' who read and edit on a quarterly basis to bring the work to the table that we build on.

Cheers Guys: )
Now a little bit more about what we're doing here. Six years ago we established 'The
Linnet's Wings Literary Magazine' in the Republic of Ireland. She carries an Irish Library number and is supported by an international team of editors who all been with her from the start.

We publish literary work: Voices that speak their essence, and our humanity, in prose,
poetry, essay and cnf. We carry a classic and contemporary mix. We produce a a beautiful
magazine that few buy --which doesn't bother us -- and many admire. We have a duty of care
which we stand over.

I want to move her up a notch, and take her to a paying market. In an effort, to raise the necessary monies to do so, I sat down with our data manager, Peter Gilkes, and he and I together, over the last few years designed a web project to support her. Now I need your help. I need you to go in to see what's on offer. Will you help us take 'The Linnet's Wings' onto the next stage of her journey please, and give me a ready to go, or not, with www.TheLinnetWings.com project.

Thank you for your time and continued support.
Marie Lynam Fitzpatrick
Managing Editor/designer/Publisher

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