The Butterfly Orchestra

Where sunlight dances through the leaves
And flowers vibrate with summer life,
The butterfly orchestra reigns supreme,
As family build its thrilling flights.

The lovely sighs that choreograph
Sweet pathways drawn from sky-styled writes.
When each wings movement becomes a note,
Weaving air through vibrant bytes.

Supporting breaths that can be traced
Through carefully-crafted melodious dance
On lines and spaces in staves embrace,
That sustains all life, enriching plants.

In glades of green, they flutter free,
As wings compose a rhapsody,


Nectar that blooms in radiant hues
Invites a gentle, fleeting kiss,
As petals sway, their tones infuse,
A harmonious sound of perfect bliss.

Beneath the blue, expansive skies,
They write their songs on nature's page,
To turn a leaf, or set a stage,
That winds may shift as seasons change.

Yet still they dance, an unerring flight,
A ballet, where each flutter tries!
Their presence; though it might seem strange
Is vital in the morning light;

To weave our paths with tone filled care,
And find the music in the air.

Mari 06/2024

Climate Change: Through the Eye of the Beholder,
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