In Summer Meditation, Kathleen Cassen Mickelson captures the essence of a tranquil summer morning, where the act of weeding the garden gives way to a moment of pure stillness and reflection. Surrounded by the heady scent of irises and the embrace of humid air, the speaker finds themselves in a blissful state, savoring the simple yet profound joy of the season. Mickelson's evocative imagery invites readers to pause and immerse themselves in the sensory pleasures of summer, celebrating the fleeting, perfect moments that nature offers.

Lost Laundry by Kathleen Cassen Mickelson is a poignant reflection on memory, loss, and the slow unraveling of independence. When the speaker's parent misplaces a pair of pants in their new assisted living facility, it triggers a flood of emotions--frustration with the caregivers, sorrow for what the pants represent, and fear of the inevitable passage of time. The poem delicately weaves together moments of past freedom and present confinement, highlighting the small yet significant losses that mark the transition from autonomy to dependency. Mickelson's heartfelt portrayal invites readers to contemplate the complex layers of love, aging, and the painful acceptance of change.

When the Morning is a Prayer by Kathleen Cassen Mickelson beautifully captures the quiet, sacred moments of early morning, where the world feels like a series of gifts to be unwrapped. Set against the backdrop of a snowy Minnesota landscape, the poem invites readers to share in the serenity of dawn--the moon hanging in the pre-dawn sky, the oak trees dressed in frost, and the warmth of a beloved pet by the speaker's side. With vivid imagery and a sense of peaceful gratitude, Mickelson's words transform a simple morning into a profound meditation on the beauty of everyday life.

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