Butterfly Service by Gemma Meek is a poignant reflection on life, death, and the search for meaning in moments of loss. The imagery of butterflies dancing against the stained glass, casting shadows, creates a delicate contrast between the ethereal and the tangible. As the speaker stands before a coffin, they wrestle with the impulse to ascribe meaning to the moment, rejecting the idea of gods, souls, or eternal life. Instead, the poem honors the moment’s quiet power, allowing it to exist without the weight of imposed beliefs. It's a tender meditation on the complexities of grief and the beauty of letting a moment simply be.

In this haunting poem, the speaker confronts the overwhelming silence and isolation that comes with loss--both of their voice and a deep emotional connection. The landscape looms vast and dangerous, mirroring the distance between lovers, where the presence of another, intangible force slowly consumes what once was. A poignant meditation on fading intimacy and the slow erosion of love, this poem paints a vivid picture of two souls drifting apart like lines in the sand, washed away by time and circumstance.

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