The Awakening by Jim Parks is a dark, gripping tale of seduction, revenge, and the supernatural. After a night of ecstasy on a tropical island, a man’s waking nightmare begins when he encounters a vengeful crone and the ominous presence of Baron Samedi. Bound, terrified, and at the mercy of a sinister ritual, he must face the ultimate reckoning. Mixing elements of voodoo, Caribbean mysticism, and primal fear, this story delivers a chilling descent into madness and a gruesome fight for survival.

A young driver in East Texas learns the art of navigating the open road under the sharp eye of his hard-edged father. From the rumbling power of a 98 Oldsmobile to the tense moments dodging cattle trailers and turkeys, this story is more than a tale of reckless speed. It's a glimpse into the world of a father teaching his son survival on the highways, business tactics, and life’s unspoken rules. As their journey unfolds, it reveals deeper layers of family, tension, and a rich American landscape filled with colorful, unforgettable characters.

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