Monica Caspar

Weightless by Monica Caspar

Major Mac Armstrong, a battle-hardened soldier, is used to leading his troops through the most harrowing of combat zones. But at 30,000 feet, hurtling through the air in a cramped 737, his composed exterior cracks. Terrified of flying, he’s miles away from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet his mind is haunted by the faces of fallen comrades and the family waiting for him back home.

As Mac grips his armrest, a soothing voice interrupts his fear: Callie, a beautiful stranger with eyes like the Northern Lights and a scent of cherries, offers him a momentary escape from his turbulent thoughts. Her presence is a balm, coaxing out his vulnerabilities. Caught between the pull of duty and the temptation of a new beginning, Mac finds himself at a crossroads.

In the weightless air above a smoldering Los Angeles, two strangers connect. But as memories of war and the guilt of survival press down on him, Mac must decide: cling to the past or embrace the unexpected solace found beside him.

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