Emily Glossner Johnson

Shadow People

Shadow People by Emily Glossner Johnson

At Violet Ridge, a mansion overlooking the ancient waters of Seneca Lake, the three Herlihy cousins grapple with secrets and shadows. David, the oldest, struggles to keep his schizophrenia at bay with nicotine, peaches, and rituals that anchor him to reality. Trey, the steadfast middle cousin, suddenly starts seeing dark figures--shadow people--lurking in the corners of rooms and among the trees, watching and waiting. And Katie, the youngest, clings to her faith, believing in angels and Christ but fearing the dark visions her beloved cousin describes.

As Trey’s encounters with the shadow people grow more frequent and terrifying, the bonds that hold the Herlihy cousins together begin to strain. David, who has always relied on Trey’s stability, now sees his own fears reflected in his cousin’s eyes. Katie struggles to reconcile her religious beliefs with the strange occurrences in their home. The shadow people become a haunting presence, a manifestation of the cousins’ deepest fears, unresolved traumas, and the inescapable pull of their family history.

Shadow People is a haunting exploration of mental illness, faith, and the thin line between reality and illusion. Emily Glossner Johnson weaves a story of family and the unseen forces that shape our lives, challenging the boundaries between the known and the unknowable, the light and the dark.

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