In The UFO Over Portland, Sara Clancy captures a fleeting moment where the extraordinary collides with the mundane. With humor and keen observation, the poem explores the delicate line between belief and disbelief as a strange sight in the sky causes a ripple of wonder and near chaos. The poem deftly plays with the imagination, highlighting how easily our grip on certainty can slip, leaving us to question the boundaries of possibility. A sharp, playful reflection on perception, mystery, and the unexpected awe that turns ordinary moments into near catastrophes of wonder.

In Straight Shooting, Clancy takes aim with a poem that pulls no punches. This sharp, uncompromising piece bypasses the veils of metaphor and niceties, speaking directly to the reader with raw honesty. It challenges passivity, demanding an honest reckoning while acknowledging the rugged consequences of such forthrightness. With its stark imagery and vivid sense of the wild west, Straight Shooting is a bold poetic stance on truth, defiance, and the cost of speaking plainly in a world that often values silence.

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