Editor's Note

Happy Christmas, guys. It's been another great year for 'The Linnet's Wings,' as we built and designed new web and print templates to promote our contributor's work, which as far as we're concerned is some of the best on the web -- and as far as I'm concerned is the best. But then I manage, design and publish it.

l got to see and participate in Irish Water march on the 10th Dec. To see people get out and say NO to government in a peaceful manner. To see them being motivated by the idea of right and repulsed by the appearance of new greed was great.And most importantly they were allowed the right to protest. And so we go in 2015 and we wait on the results of everyone's efforts. It's exciting and scary; for as we move towards our centenary celebrations in 2016, we're seeing new land being ploughed and tilled, and how the seed is scattered will depend on the sure touch of a balanced electorate. Have we got it, have the Irish got the balance required. The Spanish sure have, which is why they got their government running scared imposing impossible fines on people who wish to partake in their human right to peaceful public demonstration.
Like many many people we have a great interest in the Shackleton story: The Irishman who managed to escape the hell of the ice only to go back to take his men out. And he didn't find it easy to get back either, but his men waited on him:They trusted him and he lifted them. How cool was that: There are a few Irishmen about today with a chance to do similar, Denis O'Brien (Digicel Group) being one.

If anyone of you guys have written up work-- prose or poetry-- on any aspect of his relationships with Scott, his Mrs., his comrades, his friends, or any of his expeditions, you might consider given us a shout at: thelinnetswiings@gmail.com please, we'd love to hear about it and read it wiith a eye to publishing.

Thank you all for your support during the year and alll the best for 2015.


Les Miserables

Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night?
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light.
For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies.
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.

They will live again in freedom
In the garden of the Lord.
They will walk behind the plough-share,
They will put away the sword.
The chain will be broken

And all men will have their reward.
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade

Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?

Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?

Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes

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